TOD 2 - 2015 - Here are my notes from this mornings PD with RTLB Robyn Harawira re:Functional Behaviour Analysis
Background info - Teaching is a journey, Wairua and Skinbag, What you focus on grows! Your class is a reflection of you! :) Mirror of you!
Alison Kearney - Motivation - google
M=SE x V SE - Self Efficacy (Can I do it? Do I think I can do it?) x Value Motivation = Self Efficacy x Value - What’s the purpose? What is the reason for this?
When behaviours arise check the motivation? Are they misbehaving because they can’t do it or they won’t? Cannot? Will not?
How you speak - deliver instructions - focus on positivity - feed self efficacy ... "You can do this …" "I know you can do it …" instill belief
Focus on what you can do not what you can’t do.
The presenting problem is seldom the real problem. - Do not make terrible assumptions!
Measure the behaviour - need to know exactly what the behaviour is in objective terms. Your loud may not be the same as what someone else considers loud. What is naughty??
Appropriate a.t.p.i.t (at this point in time)
Use A B C when considering behaviours - What was the behaviour? What happened immediately before the behaviour. What was the motivation? Avoidance? Attention?
I found this mornings PD very relevant and in parts a timely reminder of how to approach and deal with inappropriate behaviours in the class. It requires self reflection - is this behaviour brought about because of the choices I have made regarding classroom management, difficulty of the work? When planning lessons I must ensure that I am catering for the learning needs and styles of all children. In order to do this I must know who my children are as learners. This comes down to establishing open relationships with my tamariki and their whanau. The first few weeks of this first term must be taught with this thinking in mind. Know your learners, who they are, what they bring to school with them each day, what motivates them, how they prefer to learn. Aue exciting stuff that will make Ti Kouka a great place to learn and minimise inappropriate behaviours in order for each child to achieve learning success!
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