Monday, 3 August 2015

Managing Self Key Competency

Our Key Competency focus for this term is Managing Self.

Usually the tamariki self-assess how well they demonstrate a variety of behaviours, skills and attitudes specific to Managing Self.  Because we have our Chromebooks I thought I'd give Google Forms a go.  So I transferred the list of behaviours to a google form.  I then shared the link with the tamariki as part of a Google Classroom assignment.  Each child completed the questionaire form.  Each child received a copy of their own results and I received a google sheet with the children's named data.  Google forms automatically collates the data and produces a graph to present the data.

It is my intention to have the tamariki re-do the questionaire form at the end of the term.  Hopefully when this new data is compared to the beginning of term data we will see an improvement.

It should be interesting!

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